Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chapter 26 SR 2 + ID P. 515

1. Free world, Communist bloc, and Third World
2. They recieved $11 billion in weapons, supplies, and cash. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Klaus Fuchs, and Alger Hiss. Joseph P. McCarthy
3. Poland, Hugnary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. Communism is dictorial and not republican in practice.
4. Truman Doctrine. Policy of containment.
5. Marshall Plan. COMECON. Another oppurtunity to exploit its satellite nations as a cheap source of raw materials and a ready market for manufactured goods.
6. 1949. NATO. EEC
7. Nikita Krushev. Soviet Communism was mellowing.
8. 1956. 1968. Instituted some reforms and grant certain civil liberties to Czech citizens.
9. Berlin Wall. 1961.
10. Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, and Harold Macmillian. Morality declined
11. Charles de Gaulle. He wrote a new consistituation for France.
12. Alcide De Gasperi

cold War-war that was fought with words, not weapons
satellite nation-nations supposedly independent but technically under the dominance of another
Harry Hopkins-Director of the Lend-Lease act
Alger Hiss-convicted of perjury for denying that he had helped transfer secret stuff