Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chapter 3 Section 2 Review

1. Canaan, Paletsine, or Israel. Christians, Muslims, and Jews
2. Northern- Israel
Southern- Judah
3. Has the greatest variety of climate and topography of any country in the world.
4. The Ten Commandments
5. He would be a God to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and that they would be His special people, a nation set apart through whom the savior of the world would come.
6. The Phoenicians.
7. David and Solomon. They took the Semetic Phoenician alphbet and added five vowels to it; they also andded sounds to the words.
8. It split into two kingdoms.
9. A.D. 70
Abraham-Father of a great nation (Israel)
Patriarchs-The founding fathers of a nation
Moses-One of the greatest men in world history
Covanent-Solemn agreement
Theocracy-A nation ruled by God
Alphabet-A phonetic system of writing in which letters are used to represent sounds
Sinai Script-The first true alphabet
Literacy-The abliity to read and write
1721 B.C.-The northern kingdom fell to Assyrian invaders
586 B.C.-The southern kingdom fell to the Babylonians