Monday, October 5, 2009

Section Review 3 + Identify

1. King Phillip II. The hellenic lead. Hoped the Greeks would join him to overtake the Persian empire.
2. 334 B.C.
3. The entire Persian empire. Babylon, Asia Minor, Rome, and Egypt. His weary troops refused to fight anymore. He died of a fever or may have been poisoned.
4. His Dissemination of Greek culture.
5. Ptolemies-Egypt, Seleucids-Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia, and Antigonids-Macedonia and Greece.

Macedonia-The northern fringes of ancient Greece.
Demosthenes-The famous Athenian orator.
Alexander the Great-Young Macedonian king.
Alexandria-Name Alexander gave to 16 of these Greek cities. Named after himself.
Ipsus-Battle where the empire was divided among 4 generals who declared themselves as their king.