Friday, October 16, 2009

You wouldn't want to be a Roman Gladiator

a. Your Fate Awaits-If you're not killed in battle, then don't expect to be shown any mercy, you'll be taken prisoner and marched off to the city of Rome. If you survive the long journey you face an uncertain future. Will you be sold as a slave to a rich Roman citizen or will you be sent to work in the mines? Will you end up doing hard labour in the quarries or will you sail around the Roman Empire as a galley slave?

b. Gotcha!-The Roman soldiers wear armour and follow a carefully worked-out battle plan. The Gauls are not so well organised. The fighting is soon over and unfortunately for you your tribe lose the battle. You are one of the prisoners and you are about to begin a new life.

c. Sold!-After capture by the army you are passed on to a slave-dealer, who buys and sells slaves. The dealer takes you to a slave market where you stand on a platform for everyone to see. Slaves with diseases are made to hold a sign so that people know there is something wrong with them. The slave-dealer asks people to call out prices and he will sell you to the person who pays the most.

d. Oh No!-Your owner will hand you over to a trainer – a tough man who will teach you how to be a gladiator.

e. Who's who-In your training you will have learned how to fight as one particular type of gladiator. It has cost your owner a lot of money to buy you, feed, train and equip you for the contest. Now you must be victorious – winning is all that matters. If you lose, you die!

f. Fight-The games are about to begin. Your moment of glory is upon you – you hope. But first, you must entertain the crowd.

g. Ouch!-The crowd are on their feet, shouting "Habet, hoc habet!", which means "Got him! Let him have it!". There's only one thing you can do. As you raise your left hand to appeal to the emperor he will turn to the crowd and let them decide your fate. All you can hope for is that they call out "Mitte!"– "Let him go!".

h. It's over!-It seems the crowd showed you no mercy and the retarius was the winner of the contest. While your body is dragged from the arena, the victorious gladiator is presented with his prizes.