Friday, September 11, 2009

Ch 5 Section Reviews 1+2 and Identify

1. Africa. Sahara. The Nile River.
2. The north is bond by the Mediterranean Sea, the Sahara to the west, and the Red Sea to the east
3. "The Land of Ham" and Mizraim
4. Because all of the culture of Africa diffused from there.
5. Memphis and Thebes. Menes united the two.
6. Near the Nile River.
7. Their empire stretched from the Nile Valley, to Nubia, Sudan, The Red Sea, Canaan, and Syria.
8. It supplied fertile soil, fresh water, and animals that had to survive around the river. This was the only source of life since Egypt is on the border of the Sahara desert.
9. When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, he discovered a broken slab of basalt near the town of Rosetta. It was later discovered that this tablet contained three languages: hieroglyphics, Greek, and demotic. Jean Francois Champollion translated it.
10. Memphis and Thebes.
11. The Pyramid.
12. The were humanistic, naturalists, and polytheistic. They worshiped their pharaoh, the forces of nature, and many gods and goddesses, of which consisted of part man and animal. They built pyramids and stuffed them with things they belived they would need for the afterlife.

Isthmus of Suez- once connected Africa to Asia
Copts- ancient Egyptians
Nomes- small states
Herodotus- the Father of History
Nile Delta- a rich alluvial plain at the mouth of the Nile
Hieroglyphics- the Egyptians system of writing
Book of the Dead- book that was buried with the dead person
Necropolis- only remaining part of Thebes. A giant graveyard
Great Pyramid of Cheops- one of the wonders of the world
Tutankhamen- a teenage pharaoh who died at 18
mummification- the preservation of dead bodies.