Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Special Japanese Games

What's In The Photo:
This game was really funny. You had to guess what was in the picture even though it was blurred. Some of the things that were in the pictures were really funny. They even had questions about Japanese idols! That was kind of weird.

Picture Matching Game:
This game was really awesome! You matched these Japanese letters with common items. Their words were really unuiqe. They looked really v. I'm glad i'm not Japanese.

Gesture game:
This is the, without a doubt, BEST game on earth. even beter then the Indus Valley game. I feel like my brain has grown twice its size just because of this wonderful game. i actually heard that there was a downloadable version on Xbox live, and I am going to go download it today when i get home. straight up. I have never played a game as good as this one, and i have NEVER felt so smart. ...EVER!

Jap festival game:
I have learned EVERYTHING possible about the Japs in this game. there is nothing more i can possible learn about the Japs and the festivals n stuff that they do. If I learned ANYTHING more about them and the stuff that they do, my face would deffinately blow up. ...or at least fall off. the game is without a doubt the BESTest game ever! Go Jap game!