Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review 3

1. Old, Middle, and New
2. Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. Art and architecture.
3. King Mentuhotep I. When Joseph was the Prime Minister of Egypt and Jacob entered Egypt in search of food.
4. Ahmose I. They were Semites like the despised Hyksos.
5. Hatsheput.
6. Egypt restablished its own empire in Asia during this period. Thutmose III. It may have been the pharoah during the Hebrew Exodus.
7. He seized control of the Suez Canal, which created an international
crisis involving Egypt, Israel, Britain, France, and the United States.
8. Anwar el Sadat. Negotiated with Israel's prime minister.

1. Giza-Three largest pyramids are located.
2. Great Sphinx-head of a man and body of a lion.
3. Twelfth Dynasty-kings established their capital at Thebes.
4. Hyksos-shepherd kings or rulers of foreign countries.
5. Ramses II-most outstanding monarch
6. Alexandria- became the most important city in Alexander's empire.
7. Septuagint-the Old Testament translated into Greek
8. Ptolemy-he established the Hellenistic dynasty.
9. Cairo-became the center the center of Egyptian life
and one of ther great cities of the Arab world.
10. Suez Canal- Nassar seized it creating an international crisis.
11. Hosni Mubarak-under his rule Israel completed its withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula in 1982.