Friday, September 25, 2009

World History Study Guide

Key Terms:

African Landscape:

Deserts-Land with little or no water.

Sahara/Kalahari-The two biggest deserts in Africa.

Savanna-Vast tracks of land characterized by wet and dry seasons

Mountains-A natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 ft. (610 m).

Atlas Mtn. Range-Longest mountain range in Africa

Mt. Kilimanjaro-Africa's tallest mt.

Nile River-World's longest river.

Lake Victoria-Africa's largest lake source of the Nile River.

Great Rift Valley-Largest rift in the Earth's surface.

African History:

African History began after the flood.

Ebed Melech-Helped Jeremiah out of jail when King Zedekiah put him in jail.

Unnamed Ethiopian-First African Christian.

Eunuch-A castrated male.

Edesius and Frumentius-Shipwrecked and taken to Ethiopia as slaves. Preached in Africa.

Early Christianity in Africa:

Alexandria, Egypt-Important center for Christianity. Athanasius and Augustine: the 2 greatest North African Christians.

Cyrene, Libya-Simon of Cyrene was from here.

Carthage, Tunisia-Tunisia became an important city fir Christianity. Carthage gave birth for Tertullian and Cyprian early church.

Simon of Cyrene-Carried Jesus's cross.

Clement of Alexandria-Wrote "Shepherd of Tender Youth" which is the oldest surviving Christian hymn.

African Trade:

Sea Trade-The Egyptians traded along the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden with the people of Punt. From modern day Kenya and Tanzania merchant ships sailed to India, Arabia, China, and Siam. They exported iron, ivory, and gold. They recieved precious stone, silk, and porcelain.

Inland Trade-The Gana Empire dominated trade across the Sahara. They traded with Middle-Eastern people. The Arabs brought salt, copper, and dry fruits. Africans exchanged gold, ivory, and slaves.

Mali Empire-They established the trading center of Timbuktu.

Timbuktu-A famous center for learning and culture.

Songhai Empire-They monopolized trade across the Sahara.

Exploration & Missions

"The White Man's Grave"-A name given to Africa because of the harsh conditions.

Mungo Park-Traced most of the Niger River.

Hugh Clapperton-Became the first European to cross the Sahara Desert

Alexander Laing- the first European to reach TImbuktu

Robert Moffat- one of the first missionaries to Africa

David Livingstone- first European to see Victoria Falls

Africa in modern times:

European Rule- Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands ruled all except for three countries in Africa

Progress- The gospel was most influential, law, order, schools and colleges founded, roads and railroads constructed, hospitals and clinics were established, and new cities were built.

1950's and 1960's- most of the former European colonies in Africa became independent

General Idi Amin- seized power in Uganda and ruled until 1979.